Weird Harold & Charlie

This story begins with Charlie. Charlie is a heritage pig who was the runt of his drove. At his original home he got stepped on by another, bigger pig and his back hoof got all twisted up. He was then brought to The Good Earth Farm for more careful attention and a better life. At first, he had to be taken care of in the house. He didn’t get along with the other animals yet- he likely suffered some trauma from his life as a runt and was still figuring out his sense of identity. Eventually he connected with Harriet, another special pig who was brought to the farm after falling off a truck. Harriet and Charlie became besties, and both got their namesake from the movie “So I Married an Axe Murderer” because Jeff and Nancy are Rom Com junkies. Sadly, sweet Harriet died from pneumonia at 18 months old, and Charlie fell into a resounding depression. Nancy messaged the farm that Charlie came from to ask if there was another pig that could come live at The Good Earth Farm to be a companion for the devastated Charlie, and Harold promptly found a home on the farm and in his half brother Charlie’s heart.

Although they have their sibling spats from time to time (and sound like battling dinosaurs!), these two pigs live a lavish lifestyle on the farm, enjoying all of Jeff’s creations in the form of pizza, ice cream, cereal, and love. They relax in the mudpit under a shaded canopy, and they are often found roaming the pasture alongside T Bone, Rex, Rita and Maria at sunset, rooting around and stretching their short legs. They might be the biggest pigs you’ll ever see- and while their size is in part due to their specialized breed, they have also outlived many of their pig brethren who’ve been sent to slaughter at 5-6 months old. Harold and Charlie have far surpassed this age, and it shows in their maturity of body, spirit, and sassiness.


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T-Bone & Rex